People have expressed doubt for thousands of years, as in this painting of Doubting Thomas by Caravaggio:

My partner's bidding on a hand last night was much better than mine, and I should have stopped to think what doubt the auction showed. Generally when you bid 3NT a round later than you might have done it shows doubt that 3NT is the best final contract.
We had a similar, but different in meaning, auction to the one below, to the same contract:
South's 2H was game-forcing and I think North should bid 3D rather than 2NT, and then 3NT over 3S, as my partner did. This should have shown enough doubt for me to select the best contract of 5D, but I elected to pass 3NT, although partner's heart stop was pretty much certain to be Qxx. At our table they cashed five rounds of hearts, and my partner went three off trying to get some matchpoints for 1 off. The first recorded zero appeared in Mesopotamia around 3 B.C. and we have had many of them since then. He would have scored the same zero for 2 off.
Against Ken and Chantal, NS had a top when East led a passive diamond. Declarer took the club finesse, and Debbie switched to the jack of hearts, but Richard fell from grace by not overtaking, which would have led to 3 off. 3NT+1 was a worldwide top for Ken and Chantal.
Continuing our Biblical theme, the expression fall from grace is derived from a passage in the Bible, Galatians 5:4: “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.”
And for those that might have missed the announcement, Winnie Godber's funeral will be on Tuesday 21st September at 1:30pm at Enfield Crematorium, Great Cambridge Road, Enfield, EN1 4DS.
This is being followed by a wake at Woodbine Social Club, Woodbine Close, Waltham Abbey EN9 3RQ. Winnie requested that people do not send flowers but instead send a donation to Meningitis Now:
Maybe by bidding 2NT, then 3NT, I showed better Hearts than Nigel
ReplyDeletedid, preventing a Heart lead? (3D would be a better bid.)
Also a reason for Richard not overtaking the HJ, as I have HAQx?
I should be 1354 or 0364 from the bidding, so playing the HK shouldn't cost.