Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Grand Illusion by Foxymoron

Renoir's 1937 film Grand Illusion contained the notion that somehow middle classes stand above the war. At the recent West of England congress there was a Grand Illusion of a different type. All the good players reached grand and went off. But they had done nothing wrong.

We had a good auction to the top spot. It started 2C-2D-2NT, which we play as showing 25-26 Balanced. We split the range so that with 20-22 we rebid 2H, Kokish, and then bid 2NT over the relay of 2S. And we open 2NT with 23-24 which seems to work well. An extra advantage of this method is that we can bid 2C-2H/2S as non-forcing, to play there opposite 20-22.

Now North transferred to hearts with 3D and South bid 4C, a cue-bid, promising four-card heart support. Then North jumped to 5D, and as this is above game, it is exclusion key-card Blackwood for hearts. North's next bid of 7H was the final contract, but the 3-0 trump break meant that this could not be made. 

One generally needs the grand to be about 67% and this one was around 78%, so it would seem that one wants to be there, but I am not so sure after looking at the traveller. Only six pairs bid grand - flat in 7H-1 in our match - and 6 pairs missed slam with the other 23 only in small slam. If that is representative one would need about an 80% chance to bid grand.

It was good to see so many Woodberry members at the West of England event, very well organised by Tony Russ, Colin Simcox and Frank Coltman. A highly recommended event with Weston-Super-Mare in a time-warp with its shabby-chic hotels, with Grand being a bit of a misnomer.

The winning team: 
Paul Lamford, Stefanie Rohan, Tim Rees, John Salisbury


  1. Well done. Can't argue with winning every match.

    Against a strong team (like the one you were playing) you need to be in 7 but against a weak one or in a mixed ability pairs field 6 may well be enough. Of course South's major suit jacks may be switched making the grand even better than 78%

  2. Yes we were playing against the Fawcett team, so I guess we thought it was likely to be flat.


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