Sunday 19 May 2024

Bridge with imagination

 Although I am not a member anymore this hand was played against two Woodberry members at the Young Chelsea Mixed Pairs so I think it qualifies for the blog.

"Director!" I hear the opponents call at the next table.  The score on this board cannot possibly be correct.  Probably one of ours I say.  Sure enough the director comes over to me and I confirm that West did indeed make 3NT + 1 on hand 18

As I said to the pair who called the director you clearly don't have enough imagination

So for fun as an exercise to the reader how did this result happen (hint there is one card in the South hand that gave the defence a problem)?

Bonus question why did 3NT+1 score below average for EW?

I will reveal all in a few days :)


  1. I will guess. North led the king of spades for count or an unblock and South played the jack, and now North led the queen of spades and South played the two. North thought West had Txxx in spades and switched so ten tricks.

    And I would guess that some must have gone to Four Spades on the NS cards, and lost 500 when it was doubled ...

    1. Almost right Paul except I switched to a heart at trick 2 playing partner for an entry and the imaginary Jx of spades. Declarer (Shelley) won and took a diamond finesse claiming 10 tricks. There are certain other players where I would have played the spades from the top without a thought.

      Funnily enough the 9 of spades was also the killer card as without that there would be no gain for getting a spade through.

      And bang on re the traveller. 3 x 4S doubled minus 2 by North and one 4D doubled making EW


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