Woodberry Bridge Club B team were knocked out in the first round of the NICKO tournament, but are having a good run in the plate competition. The plate is a "consolation" knock out tournament for teams eliminated from the main competition in the first round. Last night we reached the quarter finals after beating Cambridge Bridge Club D team by 8 IMPs.
I have often criticised Sam for his aggressive bidding style. I would certainly not have raised 1NT to 3 on this board. I would have just made an invitational raise to 2NT, which would have probably been refused. However, on this occasion, his enterprise paid off. Matthew played the contract well to achieve a vulnerable game swing.
It is difficult for East to find the killing defence of ace of clubs lead followed by the queen. The alternative defence of leading a low heart also looked unattractive after North had bid the suit.
East led the diamond 9, taken by the ace. Matthew immediately set about establishing spades. East won with the king, and missed his last chance to defeat the contract by leading another diamond. When West won the lead with the spade ace, it was too late for a club switch. He played a heart. After cashing diamond winners, this position was achieved.
Matthew cashed the spade 9, and East had a difficult discard. He chose the club queen. Matthew then threw him in by playing a club to the jack and ace. East played the heart queen which was ducked, and was forced to lead into dummy's K9.
At the other table, our opponents played in 1NT. The play proceeded on similar lines, but this time Ivan discarded the heart 2 on the final spade winner. Declarer cashed the heart king, then led the club jack. Ivan took the club ace and heart queen, but had to lead the club queen to the king for declarer to win the last trick in dummy.
We would not have won the match without this 10 IMP swing!