A leading question is more frequently met in court, and we have heard "Objection" and "Overruled" in many a televised court case. I remember when I was buying my house asking if there was any leading in the roof. I thought that was a leading question but the solicitor did not. "Leading", like "sewer" and "wound" and many others, is a heteronym.
How do you play a double of 3NT? Well the first requirement is that you don't think they are going to make it. If the cards lie badly for declarer, then others may be there and doubling for one off, particularly when they are vulnerable, can be lucrative.
A common way to play a double of 3NT is to ask for the lead of the first suit bid by dummy. But this is not a command, and you need to consider the whole hand. The above was an interesting example. Anne Catchpole and Keith Bush (East) bid Pass-1C-1D-1S-2D-2NT-3NT. As both 2D and 2NT were non-forcing I now doubled this as North, quite happy with a diamond lead. South led the six of diamonds and now declarer can make by rising and playing a spade. But he ducked and I won as North and continued diamonds and declarer ducked again in dummy. I needed to switch to a heart at both trick two and three, but this could have been wrong if declarer had KTx. Continuing diamonds would work when partner had the ace of hearts, king of spades or a club trick. Declarer won the third diamond and played a fourth and there was no defence. I won and played a heart, but that just cost the ovetrick and was +950 for East-West, which all Welsh people know was the split of Wales into three parts after the death of Hywel Dda in 950. It was not a "dda" score for North-South,.
The question is whether South should have led a heart. I thought so, as you know declarer will make five or six clubs and he has a heart stop. If he has AQ of hearts he may well be making anyway. But I cannot really fault the diamond lead.
And the answer to "Threat perhaps perceived by Alice (6,3)" was MAD HATTER. The anagram indicator is in the solution and it is also "and lit"."