Anne Catchpole played well to make an overtrick in 3NT.
Following the Puppet Stayman sequence, it seemed sensible for me to lead AK9 of hearts as I knew Matt held at least four hearts.
However, this also made the position clear to Anne.
She played AK of clubs, Matt discarding a spade.
The 3rd club lead put Matt under pressure. I won the J, but partner had to discard his heart winner to avoid unguarding either spades or diamonds.
Irrespective of my next lead, the 4th round of clubs squeezes East.
This play gave Anne and David a well deserved joint top. Ken Barnett also played the hand in a similar way.
I misplayed the hand, and had to find the same squeeze as Anne just to make the contract. I had the six of clubs lead after a similar auction (although we used simple Stayman). I thought that West would have led the nine from his actual holding (as he did partnering me on a similar hand!), so played for the lead to be from QJ86 and put up the ten, fatally. I had to play on hearts myself but now West could break up the diamond squeeze by switching to a spade. Instead he cleared the clubs and I played another heart. West won and cashed the clubs, squeezing partner in the same way. But for only 600.