BA seems to be giving away upgrades to Business Class at the moment, and Stefanie and I have decided to spend a month in the Orkneys, Covid restrictions permitting. I think we paid £1 each plus 10,000 miles for our flights. The last time I flew, oddly, I saw the film Upgrade, on BA in flight entertainment, about a technophobe who had an implanted chip which allowed him to control his body. A cyperpunk horror film, but not bad. 8 out of 10 on Rotten Tomatoes.
On this hand we would have done well to upgrade as well. Perhaps we might have done differently on the second round too.
Chantal, North, could have opened 2C in our system, showing either a game force or a balanced 20-22 and that would have been my choice here. We might have bid 2C*-2D*-2H*-2S*-2NT showing the balanced hand. None of this pussyfooting about for the winners tonight, David Burn and Frances Loughridge. David opened 2NT (20-22 or thereabouts) which has the virtue of getting there in one bid rather than the five which might use up valuable drinking time between rounds. Frances transferred to spades, offered a choice with 3NT and David picked spades as either red suit could be a potential weakness. 11 tricks and 95% was the reward.
At our table, after 1C-1S-2NT, showing 18-19, I decided to pass on the South hand. It is matchpoints, and if partner doesn't have three spades I wouldn't expect to make 3NT or 4S. I wasn't even sure if we were playing a Wolff sign off, so I signed off by passing. Chantal made 10 tricks but that was only 35%,
It is interesting to plug the North hand into the Kaplan-Rubens (K-R) hand evaluator which spits out 20.7 for this hand. You might like to play around with it and enter hands you were unsure of. It can be found at:
So well done on your upgrade, David, and congrats on your win with Frances. I am pleased to see that everyone passed 2NT on this hand at love all:
That vile collection scrapes in at 1.4 in the K-R evaluation and anybody raising 2NT to game is far too optimistic!