Sunday, 4 October 2020

A good result by Gerry Weston


Paul Thornton and I had a good result last Tuesday but half of our net IMPS came from one hand.

I wasn’t sure whether to open 1H or 1C but it make no difference; we ended in 5H doubled by Andy - I in the best position, dummy.

King of spades led taken by A; trump to Q and A discovering the 4:0 break. Diamond back taken by Ace and another spade ruffed.

Paul now took the marked trump finesse, drew trumps and all depended on the clubs; he led the Queen and after Bill played the 4 there was an interminable pause.

I could hardly bear to watch it; with trumps all gone we could be 4 down for 1100 if he got it wrong (personally I would have delayed taking the last trump as an insurance against disaster).

But Paul is a good Poker player used to gambling all, played A dropping the K (must have thought Andy had to have K for the double). So plus 13.7 instead of minus about 16


Gerry Weston

1 comment:

  1. At our table as well, declarer could have made 5Hx by dropping the singleton king. Clearly unaware of the Rabbit's Rule, he finessed and went 3 off for -800. The only sure defence is an initial club lead. Declarer will drop the king now, but when in with the ace of trumps, West can put his partner in with a diamond for the setting trick with a club ruff.


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