A friend worked for a while for NACRO, the National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders. I suggested that this was a nacronym but that just caused her to wince.
Acronyms are common in bridge, but one should try to avoid them if possible. My partner and I were told to explain HELD and HELO on our convention cards, and write them out in full, for the forthcoming European Championship. They are fairly standard, High Encouraging, Low Discouraging and High Even, Low Odd, but the danger with acronyms is that they can have more than one meaning.
F2F seems to have become a standard acronym as lockdown comes to an end, and it was good to play live bridge yesterday at the Woodberry. The online game ran in parallel and everything went smoothly. The use of "2" in acronyms is quite common for "to". After all it saves one key stroke. H2H for head-to-head, an expression that distinguishes league and knockout formats, is another acronym that uses the digit.
The online players yesterday had two more boards than the live players, having to spend less time washing their hands I suppose. They had the chance to bid 7NT on the following board, but only one pair, Derek and Maria Essen, managed it:
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