Today was the funeral of our late former Chair, and member since 1987, Winifred Irene Godber. She was born in Finsbury, Islington, in 1937 and spent her early years in Stoke Newington. She married John and gave birth to three wonderful daughters, Lyn, Susan and Diane. By 2021 her extended family had grown with six grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
I knew her only through bridge, and she was a regular at the club for over 30 years serving on the committee, duplicating boards, and organising catering. She loved to play many card games with her large family such as spades, trumps, rummy and hearts.
One of her most astonishing hands was one on which she made 7H in the Garden Cities Team Tournament in 1991. And she shuffled and dealt the board at the table; no duplimate machines in those days. And she certainly shuffled well! As there was no really interesting hand in tonight's game at the Woodberry, I have no qualms in presenting this one again! Winnie was West, and often reminisced about this amazing board: