The Compound Guard Squeeze is one of the most complex plays in bridge, with an exact reading of the layout being necessary. The ingredients are usually that only one opponent is guarding one suit, both opponents guard a second suit, and one opponent has Hx in the third suit. it is quite rare, but occurred on a hand last night at the Woodberry
Wednesday, 26 January 2022
Guard of Honour by Foxymoron
Friday, 21 January 2022
Ducks in a Row by Foxymoron
The expression getting one's ducks in a row is quite interesting, and many sites are unclear as to its origin. It means to complete one's preparations or get one's house in order. In bridge this should be done at trick one, before you play a card, and declarer might have done so on this hand:
We’ll end, however, with an example from an earlier children’s book, Goodrich’s Fifth School Reader (1857), by Samuel Griswold Goodrich. Here a mom is teaching her ducklings how to walk in a straight line to a pond:
“Yes,” said the ducklings, waddling on. “That’s better,” said their mother;
“But well-bred ducks walk in a row, straight, one behind the other.”
“Yes,” said the little ducks again, all waddling in a row.
“Now to the pond,” said old Dame Duck—splash, splash, and in they go.
Thursday, 13 January 2022
Cash by Foxymoron
Cash is an interesting word, with many different meanings. The financial one is also unusual, with "Cash in" and "Cash out" having very similar meanings. I remember Obama saying that he had to bring the US back to prosperity. "Until recently we had Cash, Jobs and Hope", he said eloquently in his re-election address.
Cashing out in bridge is often difficult. I think the SIMs compiler for Tuesday's game had been reading recent Woodberry Blogs, in which eight-card suits and voids were prevalent. This week's SIMs event, in memory of the late Pater Jordan, was won online by Matthew and Rachel Bingham with a splendid national score of 69%.
South opened 3D at Game All on the above wild hand and North took his chances in 4S, but East was not shut out and bid 4NT, showing the other two suits. Usually West contented himself with 5C, which was indeed the limit of the hand. Some North players elected to defend that and they had to cash the king of diamonds to beat it. Leading the king of spades would be fatal as the diamond loser would go away. At our table North bid 5S, and against that East-West had to cash their rounded-suit winners to beat it. Scores were all over the shop on this wild board, with 5Cx= and 5Sx= being the tops in each direction.
Sunday, 9 January 2022
Six of One by Foxymoron
Monday, 3 January 2022
Diamond Sacrifice by Foxymoron
A crossword clue, Diamond sacrifice? (4) had me puzzling, until Stefanie explained the baseball term BUNT where you hit the ball a short distance, usually still in the diamond on the baseball field, and sacrifice yourself for the sake of the team. On the following hand Anne Catchpole and Phil Mattacks found a good sacrifice as well, in diamonds: