A crossword clue, Diamond sacrifice? (4) had me puzzling, until Stefanie explained the baseball term BUNT where you hit the ball a short distance, usually still in the diamond on the baseball field, and sacrifice yourself for the sake of the team. On the following hand Anne Catchpole and Phil Mattacks found a good sacrifice as well, in diamonds:
When you are at favourable vulnerability you shoud bid aggressively and North's weak jump overcall in diamonds was just right. East bid a normal 4S and South could see six likely diamond tricks, the ace of hearts, and a probable ruff in a black suit, so she found the sacrifice in 5D. It was pretty hard for the opponents to go on to 5S, although this would make, and −500 for 5Dx−3 was a top.
This board helped Anne and Phil to a fine score of 64% comfortably ahead of the second pair. The Sunday Woodberry game on BBO is now at a more convenient time of 7 pm, and is usually over by 9.45 so why not give it a try? It is only $3 and you will play 20 or 21 boards.
The club has decided to resume F2F bridge this Tuesday 4th January, at 7,30, but there will still be an online game for those that don't want to risk it just yet. And the Woodberry Weekend is going ahead on March 11th to 13th. Send Shelley an email to weekends@woodberry.info if you want to go. ASAP.
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