Thursday, 5 May 2022

Nature's Law by Foxymoron

The great bard began, in Nature's Law 

            Let other heroes boast their scars,
            The marks of sturt and strife;
            And other poets sing of wars,
            The plagues of human life;

The Robot could have been forgiven for not being aware of Burns but it could have been programmed with Burn's Law which is to lead trumps against doubled contracts. It would have done better on the following hand:

North had a normal 1H overcall, and the Robot correctly decided to play for penalties when Mary Rutter, West, reopened with a double which the Robot passed. It was difficult to lead a small trump against that, as that could cost a trick, so Burn's Law was ignored, not fatally. A low trump might have beaten the contract two, but instead East led the jack of spades. Declarer covered, and West won to return a club, ducked by North. East won and needed to play a diamond, or a low trump, at this point, but persisted with a second spade, fatally. Now West was stuck when she won that trick. She continued with a second club, but North won ruffed a club and played the ten of spades discarding a diamond. East could ruff, but that was with a trump trick, and now he was unable to stop declarer making a club ruff, two minor suit aces and four trumps. 

There are some darts terms which have crept into bridge for the different duplicate scores. 120 is Shanghai, from the finish T20, 20, D20. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY, preferably typed in caps when playing online, is a Maximum in darts, and is best used when the opponents have just let you make 1NTx but also quite useful when they have let through the third overtrick in 1NT. Bull and Double Bull for 50 and 100 are common in many games. The Big Fish is slang for 170 from the maximum finish. And finally the late and great Sid Waddell coined the phrase Lipstick and Eyeshadow for a 160 finish, T20, T20, D20. I was pleased to score it in one of the two ways it can be scored, the other of course being 1SX=.

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