Sunday, 6 November 2022

Jack Robinson by Foxymoron


"Did you bid the grand?" asked my friend Ken in the pub. "Yes, when my partner, David Schiff, opened 2C, we bid it before you could say Jack Robinson", I replied. Our auction was 2C-(2S)-Pass-(Pass)-3H-(Pass)-4NT-(Pass)-5D-(Pass)-7H-(All Pass). I like the 2C opener, a hand of great power, and the only possible slip was not knowing whether we played 3041 or 4130 in response to RKCB. The play was quick as well with a diamond ruff on the go the only threat. Note that you can pick up Jxxx of diamonds in either hand, even in 7NT, but you have to say that you know that!

I mused on the way home who Jack Robinson was. Well, a mythical character who appeared first in print in Evelina, or the history of a young lady's entrance into the world in 1778:

"Howsomever, I'd lay ten pounds to a shilling, I could whisk him so dexterously over into the pool, that he should light plump upon his foretop and turn round like a tetotum."

"Done!" cried Lord Merton; "I take your odds."

"Will you?" returned he; "why, then, 'fore George, I'd do it as soon as say Jack Robinson."

Interestingly, 21st century Scrabble, which has a number of archaic words, does not permit "howsomever".


  1. Yes should be straightforward after a 2C opening but we were the only other pair to bid it (pretty much the same auction without interference).

    Even if West makes it difficult by bidding 4S here, after 5H by North South is worth 7H for sure

    Harvey and Matthew found an unusual sacrifice here of 3NT doubled by East minus 3(!) for all the matchpoints. I am not going to attempt to predict how that happened.

  2. Over the 2C opening, I bid 3S, which partner raised to 4 (not in fact 3NT) and opener doubled. Got away with murder there.

  3. Yes, it is important for EW to compete in spades to the maximum. That is one argument for opening 1H on the North hand. South can then agree hearts on the first round.

  4. Thanks Matthew - that makes a lot more sense.

    On reflection I think North should make a forcing pass over 4S then South can bid 4NT (take out). Then 5D - 7D is possible (or 5D-5S-6C-7D). Tough to get to hearts though


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