Monday, 16 October 2023

Asking for More by Foxymoron

Oliver Twist was perhaps the most famous example of someone asking for more, when the soup he received was not sufficient and he asked, politely enough, for more. It is depicted in many Dickens articles:

Oliver asked for more by Harold Copping

"What has this to do with bridge?", I hear you ask. Well, when you have all the key cards, you can ask for more, in particular the queen of trumps and any kings. It does not quite stop there, however, and in our game this week Mr Bumble gave the wrong response to "asking for more". This was the hand:

South opened a weak 2D and our auction began quite well with West doubling as he is too strong to make a simple overcall. North might have raised but did not and East bid 2NT, Lebensohl, intending to show a diamond stop on the "slow shows a stop" method. West bid 3S, showing a good hand and East cued 4D, showing spade support and the ace of diamonds. Then West bid Roman Key Card Blackwood, 4NT, and East showed one key card with 5D. Now West's 5H asked for the queen of trumps, and anything more that East had to show. The right response to this was 5NT, saying that East does have the queen of spades, does not have any kings, and does have "more", being the two rounded-suit queens which West needs for grand. Instead East bid 6S, and West could not do more. We were surprised to find that 6S+1 was worth 75%, and I recalled Erasmus in Adagia: regione caecorum rex est luscus.


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