The board was played in the Woodberry online game on Tuesday 16th June.
Beware of exes. Iain and Jim, both erstwhile partners of mine, came up with an impressive defence on this deal.
King of diamonds lead, ducked. Club switch, ducked to North’s king, followed by a diamond to the 7. Iain then switched to 9 of hearts.
This is my moment. All I need to do is win with the ace, cash exactly two rounds of clubs and the ace of diamonds, throw Jim in with a heart and he is endplayed.
Unfortunately I didn’t have the double dummy facility available at the time, so I cashed three rounds of clubs, both defenders throwing diamonds and then a round of spades - 4, 8 ,Q, K.
After winning two rounds of hearts, North exited with the jack of spades and took the final setting trick with the 9 of spades.
Why don’t they play like that when they partner me? Perhaps they do and I’m too dumb to notice.
I have re-added the diagram, Nigel. Nice defence by NS.