Sunday, 14 February 2021

It's Too Late by Foxymoron

 There are at least two versions of the above song, one by Gloria Estefan and another by Carole King, There may be more. Both these feature the lines:

And it's too late, baby, now it's too late

Though we really did try to make it. 

We found that we were two tricks too late to break up a squeeze today against Matthew and Rachel Bingham, who have made a welcome return to bridge.

I decided to open the West hand 1C, prepared to pass any response, but North had a normal 1NT overcall. South had to invite via Stayman and North did not accept the invitation. My partner led a spade and I won and returned a low spade to the jack. East cashed the king of spades and I unblocked the queen, as was necessary. Now it is instinctive to cash the two winning spades, but fatal. West is the only player guarding the minor suits and gets squeezed. My partner wondered if not cashing the fifth spade was good enough, but, as Gloria or Carole would say, it's too late. We need to switch (to any card) after cashing only three spades. At some point we will win a trick in one minor and can then cash the fourth and fifth spade for one off. 

A tough defence to find, but any plus score would be very good for EW. -120 was very poor. As ABBA said, "Breaking up is Never Easy".

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