Sunday, 11 April 2021

Breaking Bad by Foxymoron

When trumps break 5-0 it is very easy to give up hope, but Matthew Bingham emulated his wife's never-say-die attitude of a few weeks ago, on the way to another fine win. Breaking Bad was a popular neo-Western American crime series about ten years ago which was very popular. It had nothing to do with bad breaks at bridge, but featured a chemistry teacher who became a drug dealer after suffering one or two bad breaks in life.

4NT was key card in hearts, and 5S showed two and the queen, so South was forced to bid 6H. In theory this good contract cannot make, as West can always overruff a spade and play a trump and declarer is a trick short. The Polish Grandmaster Savielly Tartakower has a famous quote:  "No one ever won a game by resigning", He wanted to state that unless and until you continue to play the game till the very end, you would never know that you ultimately won or lost.

East led a spade which didn't really help, and declarer won in dummy, and crossed to a trump, West foolishly playing the ten, revealing the bad break. Undeterred, Matthew cashed three diamonds, pitching a club from North and two more clubs. Now Mathew led a club from dummy and West ruffed low, fatally, Now North could overruff, and ruff a spade with the nine of hearts and he was home. West needs to discard on the club, and when North ruffs and ruffs a spade high, he can overruff and return a trump and declarer is a trick short. Still nothing is lost by trying!

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