The World Class player Michael Rosenberg once wrote that if you are declarer, you should regret every bid your side makes other than the final contract. I was impressed a few weeks ago with Richard Creamer's approach of bidding slam on his second turn and I even tried opening Six Clubs on one hand in the Garden Citiies Heat. The idea that "careless talk" can be expensive stems from a World War II poster series, which are very much collectors' items nowadays. One example:
On one hand last night it was relatively easy to select the final contract after the initial exchange between our side as my partner defined her hand fairly well with her first response:
South's 3D showed an invitational raise in hearts, about 10-11 with 4 trumps. One could explore the slim chance of grand on the North hand, but it would need perfect cards. As Bob Hamman was fond of saying, "Don't play me for perfect cards, I never have them!" Also even opposite four small hearts, slam will have play, so I think the practical choice is to bid it.
On the normal lead of the jack of diamonds the first thing to observe is that if trumps are 2-1 you can give yourself an extra chance by eliminating the pointed suits and then playing ace and another club. If West has Kx of clubs then you are home as he will be endplayed. But trumps were 3-0 so that will not work. Still one can ruff two spades in South and then play ace and another club,. If West has something like Qxx Jxx Kxxxx Kx he will again be endplayed. Here, of course, the slam comes in from the main chance of the king of clubs onside.
If West does have the KJx of clubs, you will probably go off, but it might still be made. You can ruff two spades in South and one diamond in North and now play three rounds of trumps ending in South. If West has KJx of clubs and the king of diamonds, he has been squeezed can be thrown in with the king of diamonds to concede the twelfth trick in clubs. Of course this line will fail if East had the king of clubs. Sometimes simple is best, especially as a club lead would have beaten you anyway if the king is offside!
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