The multiple American Champion Bob Hamman has won fifteen World Championships including ten Bermuda Bowls, a record that is unlikely to be surpassed. It ranks up there with Nicklaus's 18 majors, which it now seems will stand for all time. He gives his name to Hamman's Law:
If you have a choice of reasonable bids and one of them is 3NT, then bid it.
I followed the rule today, and it worked!
At one table East opened a weak 2D, and North-South ended in 4H which has to lose two clubs and a spade. When declarer misguessed the spades he was off. At my table I decided to follow Hamman's Law, fearing a club lead through my king and it going queen of clubs, ace of clubs, club ruff so I plumped for the nine-trick game. West led the queen of clubs and East won and switched to a diamond.
The contract was secure, but overtricks might come into play, as 4H will make if declarer guesses spades. I won the diamond switch in dummy and led the jack of spades. East thought I was trying to sneak a spade trick and rose with the ace to play a second diamond, but this was fatal. I won in South, and cashed the king of clubs and ran six rounds of hearts. West was squeezed with the nine of clubs in dummy a threat and the ªK7 in South a menace as well. As it happens even making one overtrick was enough for a top. I will follow Bob Hamman's Law again!
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