Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Wastage by Foxymoron

 If it doesn't add value, it's waste - Henry Ford

The above quote came to mind when looking at a hand from the EBED SIM Pairs played in a number of clubs nationwide. This supported education and development of young bridge players and was a very worthwhile cause.

Nobody bid the slam on this board, with the ace and king of diamonds not adding much value opposite the void. But they weren't wasted, as they were perfect for discarding declarer's spade losers in slam. 

The start to the auction was as suggested by the noted writer Julian Pottage, a fellow Welsh International who did the commentary. Tom's 3S at this table asked for a spade stop. Harvey, West, did not like bidding 3NT with a void, and I must say I agree. Now I think I would cue 4D on the East hand and West should cue 4S denying a heart control but promising a spade control. East might well bid 6C now, but hindsight is wonderful. 

An alternative start to the auction is 1C-(2S)-3D which is natural and forcing. This might be preferable. West will bid 3NT this time, and now some play that 4C by East, a pull of 3NT, is Minorwood. West shows two and the queen of clubs with 4NT. However, West could have QJx Axx x KQxxxx or the like, and it is very hard for East to bid slam. One other possibility after 1C-(2S)-3D-(P)-3NT-(P) is to jump to 5C on the East hand. That should show two spade losers, and West might now bid 6C. But all pretty tough for a first-time partnership as was the case here.

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