The London Underground metro system (commonly known as the “tube”) has its origins in the Metropolitan Railway, the world's first underground passenger railway. Opened on 10 January 1863, it is now part of the Circle, District, Hammersmith & City and Metropolitan lines. With the recently opened Northern line extension to Battersea Power Station the network now consists of 272 stations.
On Tuesday 1st March 2022 London’s tube drivers were holding a strike in a dispute over jobs and pensions effectively shutting the whole network down. Therefore everyone was playing online at the Woodberry (unthinkable three years ago). There were many interesting hands so I thought it would be of interest to some to talk through my evening in front of the screen. Names have been hidden to protect the guilty!
Board 1 starts slowly with a normal 4D that he oppo play correctly - 33%
Board 2 - Partner opens a strong NT in 3rd
We are not playing Smolen so given the weak hearts and honours in the minors I decide to transfer to spades and bid 3NT. Wrong in theory as partner has
But luckily we get a club lead from 10 fourth instead of a diamond from AJ9x and the hearts come in
for three tricks - 77%
Board 3 - A normal 4S that the oppo play correctly - 11%
Board 4 -
The auction goes 1S-P-1NT-P-3S-P-P-4D-X-P. I should probably take this out but think 4 tricks indefense are more likely than 10 in a major. Wrong! 4D Makes an overtrick and gets us 0% when
partner had
Declarer is 1-0-8-4 with solid diamonds and dummy hits with AQ9x of clubs. I think partner should
have forced to game over 1NT but what is the best bid - 4S,3C,3H? Of course if there is a normal 5D
overcall over 1NT then we are going to defend 5D* which happened elsewhere
Board 5 - Bizarre happenings all round in the auction
And the play doesn't get any better. King of spades lead asking for count I believe and South dutifully plays the six (declarer dropping the queen). Then a club switch! Perhaps North couldn’t believe
someone would bid Exclusion with Qx in the oppo’s bid suit. As declarer I think you should play jack
to try and discover if North has an honour (most people in the club wouldn't falsecard from KQ here as
South). When it looks like North does have the club queen then you can place the diamond king with South. And after drawing trumps 4-2-1-6 is a strong possibility. But declarer took the finesse +450 78% anyway
A mad auction all round probably! Minus 2 for 100% to us
Board 7 - Normal uncontested auction to 5H. Oppo take their two aces 56%
Board 8 - Fittingly on pancake day partner upgrades a very flat third seat 3334 14 count to a strong NT
getting us to 2NT-1 for 22%
Board 9 -
You are green vs red and after partner opens 1S there is a 3C WJO - what now? Partner chose 3D
which I agree with although pass and 3NT are in the running too. Then 4C on your left, 5C by partner
X, P, P, XX. Redouble should be first round control here (very likely a void) so I think this is an auto 6D
now but just 5D was bid. Just as well as only 11 tricks were made for 33%
Partner had
On a club lead you should ruff, cross to the heart queen and play spade. With the ace onside andtrumps not 4-0 the defense can’t do anything to stop you. If they take the ace then you have 5 major
tricks, 6 diamonds and one ruff (if they play a heart you draw trumps ending in dummy). If they don’t
take the ace of spades then you have the rest.
Board 10 - a normal 4D partscore. Declarer gets the play wrong but partner hands it back with a poor
discard 33%
Board 11 - Another 5 level adventure where the oppo get their two aces 50%
Board 12 -
I thought I needed to bid more than just 3C here. Not sure where partner found a raise from but 5C
rolls home 100%
Board 13 - A normal 5C contract. Oppo misdefend so we get 67%
Board 14 -
Uncontested auction of 2NT-3H-3S-3NT. Club lead to the ace and a club. My partner and one very
good player misplayed this spade suit by starting with the jack. This time it costs as the stiff K onside
(and the diamond Q is offside doubleton) but still 61% as some declarers in 4S made the same
Board 15 - I go for a passive lead against 3NT which lets the contract make - 0% (others played it the
other way up where the winning lead was obvious)
Board 16 - Oppo have a misunderstanding for 100% and an average two board round!
Board 17 -
Partner takes the low road and settles for game. Luckily we get a spade lead but only 39% as some
pairs bid 6m
Board 18 -
More odd stuff - I think 5S and 6D are both suspect. Maybe I should fit jump here which would put my
partner off competing higher. Still all's well that ends well. We only get it down 2 though as partner
cashes a club before playing trumps allowing three clubs to be ruffed. 44% as 5S is allowed to make
on several occasions when West discarded clubs!
Board 19 -
I decide to play for penalties (probably not a mainstream decision given the three tables who get a 2S
overcall (ugh!) decide to bid 2NT instead). Partner is not up for it though (not sure why). West finds a
passive trump lead and East continues trumps so 11 tricks and 83% instead of minus 1 on ace of
diamonds, diamond lead. Everyone made game here but not always an overtrick. 1S doubled goes
one off on a heart lead (assuming we hold up clubs) so would have beaten par but would score 0% in
the club so I was wrong on this one.
Board 20 - A 2S that I play ok and the oppo misdefend - 67%
Overall 52% with plenty of missed opportunities. At least I didn’t need to get the tube home!