Monday, 14 March 2022

Lightner Doubles by Foxymoron

The Lightner double in bridge is named after Theodore "Teddy" Lightner, who partnered Ely Culbertson for much of his famous match against Lenz. He advocated a double of a slam contract be used to ask partner to make an unusual lead, usually because the partner of the leader was able to ruff. Stefanie Rohan employed this gadget successfully in the Woodberry Teams at the Folkestone Weekend.

Stefanie was East, and the auction went 1D-Pass-1H-2NT*(showing the black suits)-Dble-3S-Pass-4S-Dble-Pass-6D-P-7D-Pass-Pass-Double-All Pass. The final double was Lightner asking West, your scribe, to lead an unusual suit, and that was clearly hearts. West duly led a heart and the ruff defeated the grand slam. North or South could have corrected to Seven Hearts and this could not be defeated. Nor, for that matter could 7NT, but neither player could be sure his partner had the ace of the black suit in which he was void. 

I remember one occasion when Zia made a psychic Lightner Double when there was no heart ruff and the opponents corrected to 7H and then West doubled with a diamond void and a diamond ruff defeated the contract! Zia made the remark that Lightner does sometimes strike twice on the same hand!

It was great to get away from London for a weekend and the event was very well organised by Shelley Shieff. Folkestone is a rather sleepy place but with some nice walks. The above Anthony Gormley statue in the harbour is quite striking.

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