My robot partner declared 6 hands in yesterday's 5th Tuesday IMP pairs game and made 5 of them bringing in 54 IMPS in the process. While some of those successes were due to friendly defense I'm not sure if I would have found the winning plays on either of these deals. Click the links to see how they were played at the table
A heart switch at trick 3 after two rounds of diamonds would have defeated the contract of course but that is not obvious (perhaps North could have played the diamond jack on the second round?)
After a club switch I think I would have just have played ace and king of spades and then look to throw North in if they have the last trump falling back on the heart finesse if not. But the robot cashed only one round of trumps and then played clubs and managed to endplay North on the second round of trumps.
I thought it likely we wouldn't get enough out of 2C so bid the spade game. Richard and Deb defended well here playing clubs at every opportunity. After establishing the hearts the robot discarded a club on the third round as North ruffed in with the two and played a fourth club. Now the robot ruffed in dummy and played a trump, Deb correctly played low but the robot played the ten and was home. Again I could easily seeing myself playing for the drop here. Another variation would be to ruff the third heart with the 8 of spades. If this is overruffed with an honour you may well go wrong on the next round based on restricted choice.
My robot (Liz) was unlucky on some of these hands.
ReplyDeleteA recent AI computer v experts had the robots winning, but it was only in Declarer play.
Robot programming has a long way to go before it can challenge humans in bidding and defence.
I will try again.....
ReplyDeleteMy robot (Liz) was unlucky on these boards.
Some modern AI robots played against "experts" recently and beat them.
However, it was only in the declarer play.
The programmers have a long way to go before the robots can master the bidding and defence.
How many possible bridge auctions are there? 10 to the power of 47 (per D Burn). I'm not surprised that humans get lost in the auction.
I went off in 4S as I had a club lead as well and won and played a heart to the king, after which I could not make it. It seems that the robot's line of playing a heart to the ten is wrong, but successful on this occasion.