Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Points Schmoints by Foxymoron

A quiz at the Pula Bridge Festival invited participants to identify the authors of various books and one was the book below which I bought some years ago, so I had no problem naming him. It is a wonderful title and after you read it you should adjust your thinking to reflect the quality of the points you hold and their relevance to the auction. You can find the author easily!

Early on, I opened the following hand 1NT as dealer. I should not have done as I was vulnerable. Especially as the K-R for the hand is a paltry 11.35. I was a bit surprised to find out it was so low as the tens and nine appear to be working.

Of course it went "All Pass" and I went for the "kiss of death" of -200. I was grateful to find that I scored 15% for this effort. The phrase "kiss of death" has an interesting origin. Most people associate it with Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus Christ with a kiss, but others believe that the phrase refers to a practice among the American Mafia of bestowing a kiss on someone who has betrayed the Mafia don and is therefore marked for death.

Licking my wounds, I needed a chunky 15 count for my next 1NT opener.

The North hand weighs in at 14.40 despite the barren shape, but game is unlikely when partner has passed so I chose to open a 12-14 1NT. I thought this was better than opening 1C on the three-card suit. East doubled, although I would have shown my hearts, presumably with the popular 2D, Multi-Landy. Nigel Freake, South, bid 3C and West intended his double as takeout, but East thought it was penalties and 3C doubled became the final contract. A common problem and there was no defence so North-South notched up +470 and a top. 

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