In many dice games, but especially craps, rolling two sixes, "boxcars," is an automatic loss. Instant bad luck. I don’t know why double six is related to covered railroad cars, perhaps a fully-loaded boxcar on a train track is somehow equivalent to a six on a die which is as fully loaded as a side gets.
One meaning for "boxcars" is as an adjective: "Long, high, as in 'long odds,' 'high odds.' (Mainly racetrack use; from the high numbers frequently seen on the sides of railroad freight cars.)" Another meaning for "boxcars" as a plural noun: "In craps, a throw of double-6 . . . the highest number in craps, a 12." The chance of a 6-6-1-0 hand in bridge, "boxcars with an engine", is a paltry 0.00072, so the dealing god smiled on me today and did give me a hand of long odds. We would have had a top for bidding and making Six Hearts on the following hand, 83% for bidding and making Six Diamonds and we should have had a bottom for our actual auction to 6NT. Meanwhile, 6S doubled would be a good sacrifice for NS, costing only 800.
We might have bid better. I should have opened 1H, rather than 2C. If North had overcalled 4S, I would have been poorly placed, and would have been forced to guess the final contract. Partner’s Redouble was undiscussed. I think Redouble should be 0-4 and Pass 5+, with bids still being positives, showing a good five-card suit with two honours, hut we had no agreement. I had a chance to bid my suits with 3H and 4D, and partner’s jump to 6NT was completely barking.
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