The Latin for duck is anas, and this often features in crosswords where "an anas" is both a duck and a pineapple, and with a b before is another fruit, or nuts! The spectacled duck is quite rare, and, continuing our anatine theme from last week, I was reminded of it by the card combination. QJ2 opposite A9876. You lead the queen and the next person peers through her spectacles and ducks. What do you do on the second round?
This was the full hand. Steven Paull cashed the AH and exited with a spade. Kevin Robins won in hand, drew trumps and led the queen of clubs. Judith Hughes ducked and South produced a small card. What now? I would do as Kevin did and continue with the jack of clubs in an attempt to pin the doubleton ten. If North has Kx, as here, then her playing low runs the risk that South has T9x or T8x, when declarer will have no option but to play for Kx with North, and a trick will have been lost. The power of the closed hand will normally cause North to cover from Kx, but Judith had a good result when declarer misread the layout, even though her play was technically wrong!
virtus ipsa pretium sui!
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