Four Woodberry members attended the Madeira Congress from 7th to 14th November. It was a really enjoyable event. I thoroughly recommend it. A good standard of bridge played in a friendly atmosphere, in a 5 star hotel in a beautiful location. The weather was fine. Two excellent dinners were included.
The open pairs was played over 3 days, Tuesday to Thursday. Bridge from 4pm to 8pm left plenty of time for sightseeing, swimming and other activities.
The open teams event was played from Friday to Sunday. It was a Swiss event consisting of twelve 8 board matches.
There were several additional events for those who wished to extend their visit.
Players from many countries joined in, including large contingents from the Netherlands, Iceland and the Scandanavian countries. About a dozen British players were there, and we all agreed how enjoyable it was.
My partner was Andy Clery. Anne Catchpole and Shelley Shieff were the other pair.
We formed a team together, which Shelley chose to name "The Beach Boys".
Woodberry did not distinguish themselves in either event, but we had Fun, Fun, Fun.
This board gave us some Good Vibrations:
God Only Knows how we managed to bid to 3NT by North on this hand.
But when dummy appeared, I thought I Know There's an Answer.
Unfortunately, I was not allowed to ask others how to play the hand. I would like to have consulted some California Girls - perhaps Lady Lynda would have said Don't Worry Baby; but Caroline, No.
I could have asked Wendy, what went wrong?
Or begged, Help Me Rhonda.
Tried Peggy Sue, tried Betty Lou, tried Mary Lou, but I knew they wouldn't do.
But Barbara Ann would have got me rocking and a-rolling.
Anyway, East led a spade, which I ducked to the queen.
West returned the club 10, which I won in dummy with the jack.
I played the diamond 8 to the ace. Cashed the king and then led a low diamond which East took with the queen.
I won the heart return with the ace, cashed the remaining diamonds and finessed the spade jack to take 9 tricks.
Wouldn't It Be Nice if every board went like this?
On another matter, consider leading the 2 from a 5 card suit against 3NT. It may fool declarer into believing the suit is breaking. This manoeuvre is called the Little Deuce Coup (you don't know what I've got).
I thoroughly recommend the Madeira Congress.
You will enjoy The Warmth of the Sun.
You might even see Bluebirds Over the Mountain.
But the waves are not big enough for a Surfing Safari.
I will certainly Do It Again.