Sunday, 21 March 2021

GT & Owain by Foxymoron

 The score of 1700 in bridge, I am reliably informed by Welsh International Paddy Murphy, is known as a GT or Gran Turismo. This comes from the classic car, the Glas 1700 GT, which came out in 1965.

Anne Catchpole and Phil Mattacks had the biggest score since online bridge started with the Woodberry, and one of their "gifts" was a a GT, which helped them to a score of 78%. Even over 18 boards this represents some going!

EW can make 4S+1 which would indeed have been an average, but Phil Mattacks scented blood when North overstepped the mark with 4D. He had five (!) trump tricks against this, and when declarer wrongly covered the queen of hearts that was six off for 1700.

Not content with that top, they scored up an Owain on the next deal. The Glyndŵr Rising, Welsh Revolt or Last War of Independence was an uprising of the Welsh in 1400, led by Owain Glyndŵr, against the Kingdom of England. Bridge was not invented yet, but the 1400 has become known as an Owain in deference to their last freedom fighter.

It is rare to collect 1400 from an uncontested auction but South had an awkward decision over 3D. He elected to rebid his hearts, showing six, and North raised to game. The defence cashed three black winners and now East forced with a second club, ruffed by South., Now South hopefully cashed two high trumps, and when he discovered the bad break, he did well to stop drawing trumps and played on diamonds, going 5 off for -1400. If he had cashed the third high heart, that would have been his last trick, and that would have been a second GT in the same session!. Instead Anne and Phil had to settle for an Owain.

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