There were interesting hands in spades today in the Woodberry Pairs. The expression does come from bridge, with the analogy being to the garden implement with spadefuls of soil being dug out. All of the decisions revolved around the spade suit. On an early board, one needed to play 6NT with a spade suit of KJT9 opposite Axxx with a two-way guess to boot and 12 tricks available in no-trumps. Another decision was whether to respond 4S or 1S with AQJxxxx in spades and little else. The former worked bettter and led to a cold slam.
One board in which we did not get the level right was the following:
The first decision was whether to overcall 1S or 4S on Vampyr's hand. She chose the former which was perfectly reasonable, although the latter might have worked better. South had a normal negative double, showing the minors, and I had a choice as West. 3S, chosen by Andy Conway, is wrong as that should be pre-emptive and I think the choice is between 2NT, an invitational raise, and 3H, a mixed raise.
I think I should have chosen the former to create a forcing pass if the opponents go to the five-level, but I thought the lack of aces made it a mixed raise. North bid 4H and partner had an automatic 4S. Now South's double was penalties, but North judged well to pull it to 5C with extra shape. Our US friends, Ewell and Klein, conceded 790 when they defended 4Sx. At our table South corrected to 5H and I was a bit stuck. I chose double expecting to beat it 1, but there was no defence, and -850 did not trouble the scorers as they say in cricket. If I had passed, I think East would have saved in 5S which would only have been an average as two pairs made 4S. Five-level decisions are always very difficult. At IMPs one just saves here, but at matchpoints one has to try to get it right. And I didn't on this hand.
I think it is worth agreeing a structure when responding to overcalls as many good players differ on what each bid shows. I know that I am unclear on the differences. So I suggest in the auction above after (1H)-1S-(Dble):
a) Redouble is Hx in spades, and the honour should be the ace or king.
b) 2H is a good raise to 2S, but with only 3 spades. 8 losers or fewer.
c) 2S is a bad raise to 2S, again with only 3 spades, 9 losers typically
d) 2NT is an invitational raise, showing 7 losers. The West hand is really 7.5 losers above, but I don't mind 2NT.
e) 3C and 3D are usually played as fit jumps showing 5 of the bid suit and 4 spades. The suit should be reasonable. Make either minor suit honour the same honour in the other minor for example.
f) 3H is a mixed raise, showing 8 losers. Change one of the black kings to a a queen and the West hand would qualify. And this hand is maximum for a mixed raise.
g) 3S is a pre-emptive raise, usually 9 losers. Remove both black kings and make them small cards in the same suit and it is fine.
h) 4C and 4D can be played as fit jumps as well. Or splinters. You need to agree which!
i) 4S is pre-emptive. 7 losers with no defence. But five-card support.
Only d) of the above creates a forcing pass if they bid game or bid on over your game bid.
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