The great chess World Champion Emanuel Lasker held the title from 1894 to 1921, the longest reign in history. A friend of Albert Einstein, his contribution to chess (and mathematics) was great, but he is known as much for his sage saying: "When you see a good move, look for a better one". Such was the case today at the bridge table and I might have made an extra trick, although not without some risk:
South was not blessed with second sight, so had no reason to lead a spade, and led a top diamond, dummy winning. Trumps were drawn in two rounds and I advanced the jack of clubs as East, covered and won with the ace. I noted the fall of the seven, but was aware that the opponents had the 6,5,4 and 3 so did not think much of this. I thought it did not cost to cash the ace of clubs now, and if the ten fell, I could discard a spade on the eight and would not need the spade onside. 12 tricks proved to be above average. However ,,,
Having thought of that line, I should have wondered if there was a better one, following Lasker's advice. I could certainly ruff a diamond and run six more rounds of hearts. If South does have five clubs and the KQJ of diamonds he will be squeezed on the last heart and I will make all thirteen tricks. If North has the ten of clubs guarded, however, this line will not work and I need to play for the ace of spades onside. The line for 12 tricks when North does have a third club (say swapping a club for a spade) is remarkable. Now you draw trumps, runs the jack of clubs covered and won, ruff a diamond, and now run the trumps, catching North in a throw-in squeeze. Of course, all of these esoteric lines need one to view the ending. And if North ducks with the king of clubs, that might throw a spanner in the works.
The first record of this phrase that I can find in print is in The Parliamentary Debates of the New Zealand Parliament, 1932
"Of course, every honourable member has a right to express his opinions, even of a critical nature, but I do think we should expect them to help and not throw a spanner in the gears."
Oh, and I nearly forgot, but Harvey reminded me. The five distinct contracts that result in a score of 960 are:
1H/Sx+4 Vul
1Nxx+2 NV
2C/Dxx+2 NV
3H/Sxx= Vul
3H/Sxx+1 NV
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